Visual Identity for Frequenhz - Logotype on Front Store


Service: Logotype and Visual Identity

Year: 2022

Industry:  Agency

Region: Florida

Frequenhz Media is a content creation company that specializes in creating commercial content to helps excel businesses through visual advertising & raise vibrational frequencies in the target audience.

Their purpose of work is to instill a sense of intrigue, optimism, and motivation telling a story for a brand.

gif frequenhz logotype from normal to glitched
Visual Identity for Frequenhz - Pattern Design
Visual Identity for Frequenhz - Tote Bag
Visual Identity for Frequenhz - T-shirt
frequenhz logotype process gif
Visual Identity for Frequenhz - Typography
Visual Identity for Frequenhz - Letter Mark Design
Visual Identity for Frequenhz - Lettermark in a Black Cap
Visual Identity for Frequenhz - Business Card Design
Visual Identity for Frequenhz - Business Card Design
Visual Identity for Frequenhz - Business Card Design
Visual Identity for Frequenhz - Favicon and Website
Visual Identity for Frequenhz - Vimeo Showreal
Visual Identity for Frequenhz - Instagram Profile
Visual Identity for Frequenhz - Instagram Social Media Contents Design
letter mark f gif from normal to glitched